Journal of Politics and International Relations 2025-01-26T18:20:08+00:00Dr. Isaac Terungwa Journal Systems<p>The Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations (KJPIR) is an open access, peer-reviewed and referred journal. The main objective of KJPIR is to provide an intellectual platform for local and international scholars. KJPIR aims to promote studies in the field of Political Science and its sub-disciplines such as International Relations, Political Economy, Political Theory, Public Administration, Peace and Conflict Studies, Political Sociology, Geopolitics, Local Government Administration, and Security Studies. The essence is to become the leading journal in Politics and International Relations worldwide. The journal is published twice a year (June and December) and in both online and in print versions.</p> Analysis of Ethno-Religious Conflict in Kaduna State2025-01-05T16:23:08+00:00Bala Adamuadambala555@gmail.comIbrahim<p>Ethno-religious conflict is one of the major security challenges that consumes lives and property of Kaduna People. The salient factor responsible for the conflict is linked with the densely populated society scrambling for scarce resource. Therefore, this paper has analyses ethno-religious conflict in Kaduna State of Nigeria. Data were obtained from the secondary source. The paper adopts social conflict theory at a guide for analysis. The findings indicate that economic hardship, ignorance, religious and intolerance among other are responsible for the conflict. The paper recommends for economic development, national dialogue and civic education.</p>2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations Role and Implications of Houthis Action in Israel-Hamas War 2023-20242025-01-26T15:51:12+00:00Edgar Agubamah<p>The Israel-Hamas war has lingered for years been part of the larger Israel-Palestinian conflict. The claim to land and sovereignty has been at the core of this altercation between Israel and Hamas. As earlier said the crisis has been long in origin but that of October 7<sup>th</sup>, 2023 assumed a dangerous and wider dimension of global proportion. This particular crisis has drawn the attention of many state and non-state actors of which the Houthis in Yemen is one of them. The actions of these state and non-state actors have complicated, exacerbated, and escalated this war. This is why this work focus on the role and implications of Houthis in this Israel-Hamas imbroglio. In line with this some pertinent questions were raised. Who are the Houthis? What made the Houthis to engage in this precarious war? What is their role in the war? What are the implications of their role? In order to find answers to these questions documentary evidence was used to gather data for the work from books, journals, magazines, Newspapers and internet materials. The ideological theory was used as an analytical tool. From these gatherings and analysis, the work discovered that the Houthis are a group of people from Yemen fighting to end political and economic marginalization within their country and with hatred against the Saudis, UAE, US and Israel as depicted by their slogan. </p>2025-01-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations, Foreign Policy and National Interests of States: A Case Study of Nigeria2025-01-05T14:22:16+00:00Oladimeji<p>Great powers within the global system are deemed to be financially and militarily powerful to stand behind the multilateral institutions as sentinel and use such as a tool of achieving national interests. In this case, most researches have toed such line of reasoning while sidelining the role regional powers could also play in multilateral intuitions at regional and sub-regional levels. The current research, therefore, queries the role of regional hegemony in the employment of multilateral institutions in achieving foreign policy goals. As Nigeria conducts most of its external relations through multilateral diplomacy, it is imperative to provide a conceptual basis upon which such role can be defined. In doing this we present the contemporary case study of Nigeria’s involvement in Mail to buttress our claim. The article relies on the theoretical precept of Regional Security Complex which emphasizes the role of state actors in the multilateral institutions. In addition, the study uses newspapers, textbooks, speeches, archival records, articles in journals and internet sources. In utilizing all these data sources, the use of latent content analysis and textual mining in interpreting and analyzing the data is upheld. Thus, the research found that Nigeria needs to be more proactive and assertive in Africa’s regional institutions in order to mitigate the insecurity issue in West Africa. The research therefore concludes that Nigeria as the sole regional power in West Africa needs to act fast to prevent the total collapse of security architecture in West Africa and the Sahel Region<em>.</em></p>2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations and Third Tier Governance in Nigeria: Panacea for Grassroots Democracy and Development2025-01-17T03:32:20+00:00Steve Eboka<p>Local Governments or grassroots Government have since the 1976 reforms acquired an increased role and relevance particularly due to the efforts of the military Government propelled reforms. Most importantly, the reforms assigned to local governments, the status of a “third tier” government in the federal state arrangement. The reference to local government as a third tier level of government with clear cut functions and responsibilities is now common both in legal and political usages. However, the meaning of a third-tier status has remained assumed and contestable. The question of resolving the dilemma of the actual status of local government has gained currency and impetus. The need to further consolidates on these changes and entrench a virile and truly independent third-tier system of local government constitute focus of this work. The research will be structured into four sections. The first section shall deal with the general introduction of the study, objectives, problems and procedure followed by analysis of the conceptual framework. The third segment will consider the impact of infrastructural development undertaken by some local governments in Delta State. Finally, necessary recommendations for the way forward will be preferred.</p>2025-01-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations and Farmers Conflict in Tivland 2000-2024: A Resource Dimension2025-01-05T15:47:26+00:00Terver Mnda tervermnda@gmail.comMatthew Terwase<p>Herdsmen and farmers clashes have become a recurring decimal in Tivland in recent times. This resource-use conflict has permeated the socio-economic milieu of Tivland in all facets of its existence. The methodology used for this work is content analysis. The paper has also used the political economy theory in general and the frustration-aggression theory in particular as its frameworks of analysis. Upon critical analysis, the paper has shown that this resource conflict has negatively affected agricultural activities in Tivland. It has also led to destruction of farmlands and even harvested crops leading to loss of revenue, hunger, malnutrition and general impoverishment. The paper has therefore suggested <em>inter alia</em> that there should be ranching of cattle, military operations should be strengthened and there should be a cultural reorientation to educate different ethnic groups about the culture and tradition of other ethnic groups.</p>2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations Overview of Corruption and its Challenges to Nigeria’s National Development 2025-01-26T13:56:09+00:00Abdul-Aziz Sani Shehu<p>Corruption is a prevalent challenge to most organisations and countries of the world. Although its practice and prevalence are relative, it has been one major inhibiting factor for any state, societal development and humankind generally. Nigeria has been one of those worst hit it impeding and her national development since her independence with many and multi-faceted effects against national development. This study makes an overview of corruption, its practice, prevalence, causes and the stakeholders in Nigeria. The study is qualitative and uses secondary sources of data. The theory of prebendalism is used to build the theoretical basis. The paper focuses on public corruption and highlights the major causes, the stakeholders, the high-profile corruption cases, as well as identification of the major culprits of corruption in Nigeria, especially in the public sector and the major national development plan, programmes and projects which all suffer as a result of corruption. The paper advances the argument that Nigeria has economic potentialities capable of achieving the highest level of national development. However, incessant corruption that cut across all sectors of the state has been inhibiting achieving national development. Some key recommendations, including stiff penalties, synergy among anti-corruption agencies, extensive and intensive education and enlightenment, and genuine political will and commitment to fight corruption in order to achieve meaningful and sustainable national development in a least corrupt Nigerian state.</p>2025-01-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations Voting Model for Tackling Voter’s Apathy in 2023 Governorship Election In Kaduna State2025-01-05T13:40:45+00:00Mohammed Munir Abubakar munirabubakar82@gmail.comBashir<p>It is obvious that in 2023 election in Nigeria, only 24.9% of the electorate voted in the presidential poll. To make voting comfortable largely to improve the voters’ turnout, this study proposed a robust model with a hybrid approach that comprise the conventional voting and electronic voting that could allow voters to use their cellphones, tabs and computers to cast their votes. The study underpinned by two theories: Democratic theory which assumed that electoral technologies have an impact on improving values such as transparency and citizen participation in governance and Technology Acceptance Theory that postulated by Ajzen and Fischbein which assumed that the positive intention of the technology users to adopt technology could largely improve their productive performance and the attitude of the users to accept the positive product of technology for the reduction of human errors. A multistage sampling technique was used for this study to select six local governments two each from three senatorial districts in Kaduna Sate. Interview were conducted with the cyber security experts and INEC officials in order to assess INEC cyber capacity in receiving, transmitting and storing the data receive from the voters via internet devices. The study found that Hybrid Voting Model could be instrumental in making voting more easily, voters’ friendly and consequently tackling the growing challenge of voters’ apathy in Nigeria. The study recommends that Nigerian government need to allocate sufficient fund to its ICT department to extent and improve the internet network and penetration to every section of Nigeria.</p>2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations and Dependent Development in African Countries: A Critical Analysis of Nigeria's Neo-Colonial Status2025-01-15T02:23:18+00:00Abdullahi Ahmed Musaawududaniels@gmail.comAngyu Daniel Awuduawududaniels@gmail.comEmmanuel<p>This study critically examined Neo-colonialism and Dependent Development of African Countries. The need for the liberation of Nigeria from the shackles of neo-colonial status and its negative impacts on the socio-economic and political spheres of the country is germane. Nigeria has been in a neo-colonial trap since independence in 1960 like many other African countries with the active involvement of the elites. The study adopted the secondary source of data collection and analysis. The dependency theory was adopted as the framework for analysis due to its relevance in explaining today’s global imbalances. The imperial powers employ economic, financial and trade policies to dominate less developed countries like Nigeria. This has generated greater dependence of the state in different dimensions regarding economic, political and socio-cultural aspects, irrespective of the nation's wealth. Through the Britton Woods Institutions loan conditionality, the IMF and World Bank have kept Nigeria and other African countries in a debt cycle leading to a perpetual debt trap and their inability to govern their economies. The study recommended that the Nigerian leadership should promote internal measures to direct its economic systems out of the shackles of neo-colonialism and imbalance relationship through industrialization and internal political and economic policies outside those of the Britton woods institutions of World Bank and IMF.</p>2025-01-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations Effect of Corruption on Public Financial Management System in Nigeria2025-01-05T15:25:46+00:00Achanya Julius Johnjayjayachanya@gmail.comVarzoa<p>The target of Nigeria reforming public financial management (PFM) system over the years was to reap the associated reward of financial propriety with the attendant socio-economic development. However, corruption in PFM system remains a serious problem in Nigeria. To examine this concern, the paper deployed information derived from official documents and extant literature to analyze the effect of corruption on PFM system in Nigeria. The analysis is anchored on the institutional theory and largely based on round 1 and 2 versions of the mapping and scoping surveys of anti-corruption and governance measures in PFM reports on Nigeria. Findings reveal that the effect of corruption is deep and substantial in PFM system in Nigeria. Effects include but not limited to distortion of public finance and procurement processes, payment systems, accounting, financial reporting and auditing systems. This stems from low adherence to laws and near absence of deterrence. The paper therefore recommends the criminalization of certain acts and omissions, as well as the development of a strong and compelling enforcement mechanism consisting of effective detection and diligent investigation, efficient prosecution, speedy adjudication and effective sanctions for culpable parties to serve as deterrent to violators of PFM laws in Nigeria.</p>2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations Polemics and the Participation of Yorùbá Muslims in Nigeria’s Democratic Dispensation: An Overview of Al-Asrau’s Perspective 2025-01-19T18:32:19+00:00Nafiu Ahmed Arikewuyo’adallah Abdullahi<p>Politics is a set of happenings that are linked with the governance of the people. The year 1999 marked a watershed in the political history of Nigeria with the transition from military to civilian rule and since then, the country’s political arena has become vibrant with several significant political issues. Islam, according to the Muslims, is a system that pervades every human sector including politics. Democracy being a Western system has constituted bone of contention among Muslims across the globe, including Yorubaland of Nigeria. It is within that context that a renowned Muslim jurist in the region, Dr. Sirajudeen bin Bilal al-Asrau wrote his seminal work. The present attempt aims to highlight Al-Asrau’s submission to the political cum religious polemics among contemporary Muslims in Yorubaland. The study adopts an analytical method of research. Some of the findings of the study include the majority of Muslim jurists across the globe have validated the participation of Muslims in the democratic processes, based on either the ground of necessity or a firm belief that democracy is not totally alien to Islam. This is also the position promoted by al-Asrau in his work. The study recommends more political awareness for the Muslims in Yorubaland as a major means to actualize right to religious freedom and prevent religious harassment and persecution.</p>2025-01-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations Rise of Banditry in Northwest Nigeria: Examining the Security Implications and Pathways to Stability2024-11-08T22:57:44+00:00Anthony Israel Rufusrufus4anthony@gmail.comEkoja Bernard<p>The rise of banditry in Northwest Nigeria has emerged as a significant threat to regional security, posing severe challenges to governance, public safety, and socio-economic stability. This paper examines the root causes of banditry in the region, including widespread poverty, unemployment, and competition over scarce resources, particularly in rural areas. The weakening of state authority and poor law enforcement have further exacerbated the problem, allowing armed groups to operate with impunity. The security implications are profound, ranging from violent attacks on villages and kidnappings for ransom to the displacement of thousands of people, creating a humanitarian crisis. This paper also explores the intersection of banditry with other forms of criminality, such as cattle rustling, arms smuggling, and links to terrorist groups, complicating efforts to restore order. As banditry spreads across the region, it undermines public trust in government institutions, hampers economic development, and fosters political instability. In response to the challenges, this paper evaluates various pathways to stability, including strengthening local governance, improving law enforcement capabilities, and addressing the underlying socio-economic drivers of crime. Cross-border cooperation between Nigeria and neigbouring states is also considered essential, given the transnational nature of bandit operations. The paper advocates for holistic approach, combining security measures with long-term investments in education, healthcare, and infrastructure to address the root causes of violence. Ultimately, the study argues that a comprehensive, multi-sectoral strategy is key to mitigating the threat of banditry and restoring peace and security in Northwest Nigeria.</p>2024-11-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations Nigerian Narrative on Human Security as Legitimate Security Concern in the Global South2025-01-09T11:32:46+00:00Mailabari Bitrus Nuhunuhumailabari@gmail.comIsaac Terungwa Enoh Sampsonnuhumailabari@gmail.comLanem Law<p>It pays in all senses to consider humanitarian crisis as a contemporary security threat. Some scholars suggests that human security rethinks beyond classical understanding as non-war, expanding to address both intra and interstate causes of conflicts such as hunger, disease, crime, repression and personal crisis usually caused by decades of war especially in worst hit areas like sub–Saharan Africa. This paper therefore argues that it is not only appropriate but timely to designate international aid and humanitarianism as legitimate security concerns. To achieve coherence, this work adopted the critical theory as its theoretical framework in analysing insecurity and methodologically associating it with the concept of human security. As such the discussion is divided into four main parts beginning from introduction and then to considering two main elements of human security: freedom from want and human needs as well as freedom from fear and the role of international aid before concluding. The basis of the argument is that human security is indeed as relevant as the threats of war in centralising the meaning of security as insecurity no longer denotes a state centric phenomenon of war because it as well represents any threat to human existence.</p>2025-01-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations and Socio-Economic Development in Ukum Local Government Area, Benue State2025-01-26T18:20:08+00:00Benjamin Shaibumebenshacks2013@gmail.comKingsley Ushahemba<p>Nigeria's security woes, especially since the advent of democracy in 1999 to date, could be analyzed from a variety of theoretical standpoints. Thus, this can be attributed to seemingly multitudes of systemic challenges responsible for the present security fiasco in Nigeria. The general insecurity and the threat of it have continued to overwhelm the socio-economic and political process to the extent that security issues have remained a fundamental challenge to successive governments and the people of the country. This paper examines the effects of insecurity on the socio-economic development of the Ukum Local Government Area. Data for this study were collected through the distribution of 200 well-structured questionnaires to Ukum residents. Data collected were analyzed and presented in tables, percentages, and charts. The paper adopted Per-Olof Wikström's Situational Action Theory (SAT) as its framework of analysis to explain the issues under study. The findings reveal that insecurity in Ukum is primarily driven by poverty and high unemployment rates, among other factors. The study also highlights that insecurity has adversely affected the residents' livelihoods, turning many into internally displaced persons (IDPs), disrupting businesses, and causing destruction to properties and lives. The paper recommends increased monitoring, and surveillance of the Nigerian borders by the security agencies, addressing corruption, improving governance, and creating job opportunities to alleviate poverty and address the root causes of insecurity.</p>2025-01-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations Strategies of Political Manipulation: The Nigerian Case2025-01-05T15:06:20+00:00Dahiru Tanko Sufyansufyandahiru@gmail.comMohammed<p>This paper explains the nexus between elites and political manipulation in the act of politicking. The study was expository in nature. It explored how the Nigerian elites employ various strategies that include linguistic strategy, character assassination, astroturfing and black boxing to manipulate the masses/ the political system for their interest. These strategies employed by the elites in the political space are usually perpetrated through the use of mass media/social media, campaigns, rallies, public speeches, government agencies and decision making process, among other medium to attract support for political gain. The choice of words and actions of political elites in Nigeria has exposed the fragile nature of the Nigerian political system. As such, the politics of hatred and bitterness does not only create enmity amongst the elites but also create tension, hatred and crisis amongst the masses. The implication is that, national unity and cohesion is being threatened.</p>2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations Challenges of Intra-Party Conflicts in the All Progressive Congress in Ogun State, Nigeria2025-01-19T18:06:07+00:00Adeola Aderayo Wasiu Olaide Blessing<p>Intra-party conflicts among political parties have constituted a serious concern to democratic development in Nigeria. Rather than political parties being the strong bedrocks of democracy, their activities have affected democratic development in all ramifications. The All Progressives Party in Ogun State is not exempted from the internal party crisis affecting other political parties. In order to have a deeper understanding of the phenomenon, the paper interrogated intra-party conflict in the All Progressive Congress Chapter in Ogun state. The desk research method was used to obtain secondary data. The Realistic Group Conflict Theory (RGCT) was used as a theoretical framework. The paper argued that intra-party conflicts in the All Progressive Congress (APC) in Ogun state were primarily driven by factional and tribal-related interests, while leadership crisis, lack of internal democracy, monetization of democratic processes, and god-fatherism aggravated the crisis. Also, it further maintained that lack of coherent party ideology, egoistic and selfish ambitions of political leaders caused conflict in the party. In addition, the zero-sum approach to political succession and fragmented leadership styles contributed to the crisis in the party. It therefore recommended that winners- take all ambition and coercive leadership style should be discouraged in order to uphold unity of purpose in the party. The misuse of power of incumbency should be discouraged through strong institutional measures to curb further factionalization. The party leaders need to embrace alternative dispute resolution in addressing party crises by acquiring skills in different conflict management styles through professional training programmes.</p>2025-01-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations of Supply Chain Management Practices on Contract Dispute Resolution in Nigeria’s Public Sector2024-11-05T03:55:17+00:00Sadeeq Ahmad Omang<p>This study investigates the effect of supply chain management practices on contract dispute resolution within Nigeria’s public sector. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, the research integrates quantitative data from surveys from procurement professionals and public sector managers. The study aims to assess how various procurement practices, such as supplier relationship management, procurement planning, and contract administration, influence the frequency and resolution of contract disputes. Findings indicate that effective supply chain management practices significantly contribute to reducing contract disputes by improving transparency, communication, and compliance in procurement processes. Quantitative analysis revealed a strong correlation between robust procurement practices and a reduction in dispute occurrences, supported by a chi-square test demonstrating a significant relationship (χ² = 12.1, p < 0.05). Conversely, the impact of court judgments on dispute resolution was found to be less significant, with enforcement challenges and procedural delays mitigating their effectiveness. The study underscores the importance of proactive procurement strategies in minimizing disputes and suggests that while judicial interventions are necessary, their effectiveness can be significantly enhanced through improved enforcement mechanisms. The research contributes to the understanding of how procurement management can be optimized to address and resolve disputes more effectively in the Nigerian public sector, offering recommendations for policy improvements and future research directions.</p>2024-11-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations Dynamics of Political Participation and Governance in Gombe State, Nigeria2025-01-05T16:36:35+00:00Odekunle kehinde Adamu Hannah<p>This study examines the dynamics of political participation, electoral processes, civic engagement, and policy implementation in Gombe State, Nigeria, between 2015 and 2023. The focus is on understanding how electoral processes and civic engagement shaped governance outcomes in the region. A sample of 400 respondents, selected through stratified sampling, provided data via structured questionnaires. Using both qualitative and quantitative analyses, the study reveals significant relationships between political participation and policy outcomes. The results suggest that increased civic engagement has influenced governance effectiveness in Gombe State, with key implications for future elections and policy reforms.</p>2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations Effects of Containment Measures as Counter Banditry Activities on Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State 2025-01-26T16:43:45+00:00Aminu Abdullahi Saleabubakaranas620@gmail.comAnas<p>Banditry is a serious security threat that has distorted the security architecture of Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State, it caused the loss of lives and properties. Many measures taken to tackle banditry activities proved abortive, leading to the introduction of Containment Measures as an alternative approach. This paper is, therefore, aimed at assessing the Effects Containment Measures have in counter banditry activities as well as the effects caused to the people of Igabi L.G.A. The study used quantitative method of gathering data where total of 100 questionnaires were administered, out of which 89 were retrieved. The research also used secondary source of data gathering such as textbooks, journals, online publications etc. and random sampling method was carried out in administering the questionnaires. The data gathered was analyzed into simple frequency distribution tables. The paper employed Frustration Aggression Theory as its theoretical framework. The findings of the paper revealed that containment measures have played an important role in counter-banditry activities in Igabi L.G.A, because many bandits were neutralized and weapons were intercepted. However, the measures have caused significant levels of socio-economic hardships to the people of Igabi L.G.A. The research recommended that, banditry can be mitigated by providing superior technologies among others while the effects of Containment Measures caused to the people of Igabi L.G.A. can be minimized through provision of alterative employment, grant and softloan and alternative public transport vehicles etc.</p>2025-01-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations of Political Governance and Public Health Intervention on Food Security Among Small Scale Farmers in Adamawa North2025-01-05T14:43:04+00:00Rogers Roland Wazakarirogersrolandwazakari@gmail.comBiyama Chama Reubenrogersrolandwazakari@gmail.comMomsiri Wesley<p>The study assesses the impact of political governance and public health intervention on food security among small scale farmers in Adamawa North<strong>. </strong>The issue of food security has been a central concern for many decades. Food security is achieved when all individuals have consistent physical, government policy and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and preferences for an active and healthy life. The main objective of the study is to assess the impact of political governance and public health intervention on food security among small scale farmers in Adamawa North while the specific objectives are to describe the socio-economic characteristics of small-scale farmers in the study area and to identify the determinants of food security among the respondents in the study area. The study reviews related literature on good governance, public health intervention and food security while system theory is adopted as the theoretical framework. The main source of data for this study is primary. The study used inferential statistics such as frequency distribution and percentage for the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents and logit regression is used on the determinant of food security. The study discovered that there are no target programmes and policies to improve food production in Adamawa North. The study recommends that there should be targeted programs to provide small scale farmers with access to essential agricultural inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, and farming equipment.</p>2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations Impact of Advancing Women's Rights on Nutritional Stability in a Politically Driven Economy2025-01-19T17:33:55+00:00Balogun Blessing<p>This paper explores the complex relationship between Advancing Women's Rights on nutritional stability, particularly in politicized economies. It examines the complex relationship between women’s empowerment and food security, highlighting how political dynamics influence this relationship. In contexts where political dynamics heavily influence resource allocation, governance, and social policy, the advancement of women’s rights plays a significant role in shaping food systems and household well-being. However, political instability or politicized decision-making often hampers progress. Through an analysis of gender-focused policies, agricultural systems, and socio-political structures, this study examines how women's rights contribute to improving nutritional outcomes and mitigating food insecurity in politically driven economies. The paper analyzes case studies from various regions to highlight the multifaceted relationship between women empowerment, food security, and political factors. Women empowerment, characterized by increased access to education, economic opportunities, and political participation, is hypothesized to play a critical role in enhancing food security. By leveraging case studies from various politicized economies, the study analyzes the correlation between women's empowerment and improvements in food availability, access, utilization, and stability. The findings suggest that empowering women leads to more efficient resource allocation, improved agricultural productivity, and better nutritional outcomes for households. Furthermore, the research highlights the challenges posed by political dynamics, such as policy instability and governance issues, which can hinder the progress of women empowerment initiatives. The paper concludes with policy recommendations aimed at integrating gender-focused strategies into food security programs to foster sustainable development in politicized economies.</p>2025-01-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations of Truth: Media Framing, Agenda-Setting, and the Commodification of Reality through Classical Philosophical Paradigms2025-01-05T16:10:31+00:00Joseph Adabayo Fadejibfadeji@yahoo.comAbayomi John Alukobfadeji@yahoo.comFatahi Owolabi<p>This paper examines how media framing, agenda-setting, and economic incentives influence the perception of truth, employing classical theories to reveal underlying dynamics. Using Plato's Allegory of the Cave, investigate how media can shape belief systems by presenting selective "shadows" of truth, which impacts public understanding of misinformation. Linking Machiavelli’s views on power, the agenda-setting role of media highlights whose interests are served in framing specific narratives. Foucault’s ideas on power and knowledge further analyse how media constructs the notion of "fake news" to align with prevailing economic and political objectives, while Aristotle’s ethics provide insight into whether economic motives override the pursuit of societal good. Adopting the content analysis technique, the study indicates that these perspectives offer a critical framework to understand the commodification of truth and the implications of selective framing on public perception, media ethics, and governance, emphasising the need for accountability and ethical journalism.</p>2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations Under-Representation in Politics, Factors Responsible: A Case of Yobe State2025-01-26T15:35:23+00:00Yakaka Abubakar<p>Wqmen are under-represented in political institutions globally. In Nigeria and Yobe State in particular, under-representation of women is glaring at the executive, legislative and judicial arms of government. Anchored on the theory of empowerment, this research evaluates women’s under-representation in politics: factors responsible for the predicament in Yobe State. The objective of the study is to identify the factors responsible for women’s under-representation in Yobe; explore the consequences of women’s under-representation in politics and develop strategies that will increase participation of women in decision making process. A qualitative research design was adopted and an In-depth interview method was used to elicit data from 20 Key Information Informants across Yobe State particularly from ministry of women affairs and women in business. The study found that under-representation of women in Yobe State is caused by patriarchy, coercion, cultural/religious barriers, stigma, godfatherism, lack of interest and intimidation/threats. It also discovered that the consequences of women’s under-representation in politics include inequality, poverty, loss of voice, anti-women policies and erosion of democratic values and principles. The study concludes that women are totally not represented in Yobe State politics, and recommended strategies to turn the tide, including combating cultural/ religious barriers, mentorship, adoption of quota system, increased advocacy, direct primaries and a policy of free nomination forms for female contestants. Findings from this study are a reference point to policy makers, academics and non-governmental organizations, women themselves and other stake holders that are relevant to the field.</p>2025-01-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations Arms and Light Weapons Proliferation in West Africa: Implication for Nigerian Security2025-01-05T14:06:37+00:00Bashir Ibrahim ibrahimbashir185@gmail.comYahaya<p>The proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) in West Africa poses significant threats to regional and national security particularly Nigeria. This paper attempts to assess the implication Small Arms and Light Weapons Proliferation in West African Sub-region on Nigerian Security. To achieve this, the paper employed content analysis to x-ray the existing literatures on the central theme of the paper. The paper found that, West African sub-region is now awash with Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) of the approximately 500 million illicit weapons in circulation worldwide. This unfortunate situation is intricately connected with the strategic location of the West-African Sub-Region at the seaboard of Atlantic Ocean. The paper also found that SALW proliferation in West Africa fueled insurgency, banditry, kidnapping for ransoms, farmers-herders’ conflicts, electoral violence, etc. in Nigeria, thereby exacerbating humanitarian crises and undermining the state authority. The paper concludes that it would be meaningless to talk of comprehensive security in Nigeria in the midst of absence of good governance and pervasive leadership crises demonstrated in the form of absence of political will and commitment by our political actors to consciously implement programmes and policies that would promote socio-economic well-being of the country and also to embrace vital aspects of social and national development, such as the provision of employment opportunities and other basic social amenities that are vital for satisfying individuals’ basic needs.</p>2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations of Water Quality around Selected Dams and Irrigation Projects in Nigeria2025-01-15T03:20:56+00:00Fanan Ujohdampeverga@yahoo.comDaniel Peverga Damdampeverga@yahoo.comMuhammad Mamman<p>This study assesses quality of water sources within dams and 4 irrigation project (Gurara Irrigation Project, Bakolori Irrigation Project, Oyan Irrigation Project, and Isampou Irrigation Project) sites located in 4 river basins (Upper Niger, Sokoto-Rima, Ogun-Oshun, and Niger-Delta) across Nigeria. Water samples were collected in each of the 4 different locations and analysed at Kaduna Environmental Protection Authority (KEPA) Laboratory, using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) among others, focusing on the concentration levels of key water parameters including physio-chemical, heavy metals, and microbial count. The two-way ANOVA was conducted for the laboratory results of all 7 heavy metals as a basis for understanding the impact of both location and heavy metal type on the concentration of heavy metals in the water. The outcome of the two-way ANOVA analysis reveals that there is no significant difference in the mineral contamination of Cu, Cr, Fe, Mg, Mn and Zn across all 4 locations. Only Ca appears to have recorded a significant divergence in the records from the 4 project sites. The result also reveals EC, Na and K with mean concentration values above permissible limit (APL) for irrigation standards as well as for drinking water set by the WHO (2012). The microbial counts for Total Coliform Count (TCC), Thermo Tolerant Count (TTC) and Bacterial Count in majority of the samples assessed were relatively high. Based on the result, the study recommends periodic water quality monitoring in the study areas with the view to early detections and treatment.</p>2025-01-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations Associated with Burial Rites among the Idoma of North Central Nigeria2025-01-05T15:37:57+00:00Friday A. Ogbolebrotherfoabu@gmail.comJustus Isaacbrotherfoabu@gmail.comDeshi Lucy<p>The Idoma burial rites are deeply rooted in cultural practice that stem from the intersection of tradition, belief system, and modern influence. The study aims to unpack the dynamic of these issues of conflicts and their implications on social cohesion and individual identity. It also shed light on the diverging perspectives and customs that often clash, leading to conflict and tension within the community. This work employed a qualitative research method, utilizing an in-depth oral interview, which include focus group discussions to collate useful data from sample population of Idoma in North Central, Nigeria. The Idoma language was adopted in the interview, to ensure accurate understanding and expression of participants' views; by analyzing the various factors at play in conflicts over burial rites among the Idoma. This work provides comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities for reconciliation and peaceful coexistence in the face of divergent cultural practices.</p>2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations Assessment of Challenges to Local Governments and their Autonomy in Nigeria2025-01-26T13:42:15+00:00Abdul-Aziz Sani Shehu<p>Grappling with multi-dimensioned challenges, agitation and struggle for autonomy by the local government have been a recurring phenomenon in the political history of Nigeria for several decades. Despite the age long struggle however, the desired result is yet to be achieved. This paper assesses the nature of local governments, their challenges and issues of granting them autonomy in the Nigeria. It also assesses the implications of those challenges on local governments’ administration. In this qualitative method of study, secondary sources of data are used. The paper found that that overcoming their challenges and the hope for autonomy for local governments is being impeded by several factors, including constitutional gaps, continuous political manipulation through the conduct of local elections, over-bearing interference and arbitrary control of the local governments’ funds, especially by the states’ governments and undue interferences in their local political, administrative, traditional and minor matters. These, have resulted in negative tendencies with direct negative implications on the local governments, the struggle to gain autonomy and effective and efficient operations. These hamper their drive to foster development through quality service delivery and relevant project execution within their areas of jurisdiction. The paper recommends strict constitutional laws relating to the local government, especially regarding their autonomy, avoidance of undue interference from the other levels of government, especially the states. Local governments should also be given the conducive atmosphere to perform independently with minimum control where necessary in terms sourcing and expending local revenues.</p>2025-01-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations Violence and Democratic Consolidation in Nigeria2024-11-08T23:44:29+00:00James Arome<p>Electoral violence remains a significant challenge to democratic consolidation in Nigeria. The country’s transition to democratic governance has been marred by frequent violent conflicts during election periods, undermining the legitimacy of electoral outcomes and eroding public trust in democratic institutions. This paper examines the root causes of electoral violence in Nigeria, including ethnic tensions, economic inequality, and weak state institutions. It further explores the impact of such violence on democratic consolidation, focusing on how it disrupts political stability, hinders voter participation, and encourages authoritarian tendencies. The study was anchored on the basic proposition of frustration-aggression theory originally proposed by Dollard, Doob, Miller, Mowrer, and Sears (1939), believes that the primary source of human capacity for crisis or violence is the aggression mechanisms. The anger induced by frustration is a motivating force that disposes people to aggression irrespective of its instrumentalities. In conclusion, the paper argues that addressing electoral violence through reforms in the electoral processes, strengthening rule of law, and promoting inclusive political participation are essential steps toward sustainable democratic consolidation in Nigeria.</p>2024-11-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations Partnership with the Federal Government of Nigeria: A Path to Peace and Stability2025-01-12T19:57:57+00:00 Osevwe Enoh Sampsonlanemkuma@gmail.comLanem Law Kumalanemkuma@gmail.comMichelle Dooshima<p>The NEPAD has provided avenue for peace and security development in Nigeria and indeed Africa. Thus, her role in peace building has become relevant to our country at the federal level. This work seeks to look at those areas where NEPAD can partner not just with federal government alone but also with the private sector in order to promote peace and security sustainability in Nigeria. The work therefore, has provided the needed avenue where NEPAD and the federal government partnership can improve the socio-political and socioeconomic development of the Nigerian State.</p>2025-01-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations Party Conflict and Electoral Performance: The Experience of the Peoples Democratic Party in the 2023 Nigeria’s Presidential Election2025-01-05T15:16:24+00:00Abdulrahman Adamuabduladamu6@gmail.comAhmed Audu<p>This paper investigated the issues that gave rise to the internal conflict in the PDP at the national level prior to the 2023 presidential election, and argues that it adversely affected its performance at the poll. To support this argument, the paper deployed intra-group conflict theory as a framework of analysis, and generated data from primary sources such as Structured Questionnaire (SQ) and Key Informant Interview (KII), and secondary sources such as books, journals, newspapers/magazines and online materials among others. Data generated from the field survey using SQ were presented in tables and descriptively analysed while the contents of data collected via KII were qualitatively analysed. Research hypotheses were tested at 5% level of significance using non parametric statistics (chi square). The paper found weak internal democracy, desperation for power, clash of irreconcilable interests, and poor conflict resolution mechanism among others as responsible for the internal crisis in the PDP. The paper equally found that intra-party conflict in the PDP manifested in the forms of personality clash between Governor Nyesom Wike and Senator Iyorchia Ayu and media war with the resultant consequences of incessant defections and dwindling party membership among others. Based on these findings, the paper concluded that PDP may still suffer more political woes in future presidential elections if urgent steps are not taken to address the conflict. Based on the findings and conclusion drawn, the paper recommended, among others that, the contentious issues responsible for the internal strife in the party should be amicably resolved as soon as possible for the party to be able to reclaim power from the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC). </p>2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations World Order and Global Solidarity: The African Continents Pains and Gains2025-01-19T18:19:51+00:00Adeola Aderayo Idowu Raphael Olaniyi<p>The paper investigates how paradigm shifts caused by varying interests, actions, or inactions of global actors and nationals during the COVID-19 Pandemic undermine the international community's ability to band together to mitigate the devastating effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The study maintained that the world is gradually transiting into the epoch of multiplex world order where the paramount major powers lack the capacity to shape the world order to favour their own interests, among other competing great powers, regional giants, and emerging powers. In light of this, Africa was regarded as one of the most vulnerable continents adversely affected by the pandemic. Therefore, the study seeks to ascertain the extent to which it affects the African continent by weighing the cost and the benefit of the pandemic. In conclusion, the study recommended a homegrown solution against future reoccurrence.</p>2025-01-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations Involvement in Israel-Hamas War: Causes and Implications 2023-20242024-11-05T04:21:31+00:00Edgar Agubamah agubamah12@gmail.comOdigbo Stephanie<p>Hezbollah is a well-known non state actor in the world, especially in the Middle East. In fact, it is the most militarily equipped and organised non state actor in the world. It also has a well networked social service arm and political administration amongst its members. Hezbollah is situated in Lebanon, precisely in the southern part. These exceptional sterling qualities made people to designate the robust militia organization as a state within a state. Hezbollah’s objectives are to rid Lebanon of foreign occupiers, freedom of the Arab world, and to establish Islamic shite state in the area. From their aims one can easily see why Hezbollah is hell bent in attacking Israel or supporting her enemies. In this work our focus is to examine the causes or factors that pushed Hezbollah to engage in the Israel-Hamas war and by extension look at its implications. To effectively, do this we sought for data using documentary evidence from textbooks, journals, Newspapers, Magazines and internet materials. In addition, we use the non-state actor’s theory as an analytical tool. The study discovered that factors like historical, ideology, political, and regional dynamics pushed Hezbollah into engaging in the Israel-Hamas conflict while issues like escalation of violence, humanitarian casualties, dragging of global state actors into the crisis, regional instability, strategic diversion and complication of diplomatic effort to settle the crisis are seen as the implications. Be that as it may, the study recommends that both Israel and Hezbollah should refrain from belligerency and rather embrace dialogue and other diplomatic lee ways.</p>2024-11-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations and Development Issues in Nigeria2025-01-05T16:47:25+00:00Mathias Oghenetejiri Chukwunonso<p>Nigeria is a multi-ethnic nation-state with socio-cultural differences among its component ethnic groups all of which have resulted into cultural dissimilarities. These cultural dissimilarities have been established by the variances in culture which include language, dress, diet and types of social system. The ethnic virus has been one of the most important causes of social crisis and political instability in Nigeria; and ethnicity has been perceived in general as a major obstacle to the overall politico-economic development of the country. Although every nation has its own peculiar ethnic issues, the difference is the mechanism by which the challenges are managed or ameliorated. The ethnic conundrum remains a major obstacle to Nigeria’s existence as nation state. Consequences of ethnicity include communal conflict, political violence, nepotism/discrimination, underdevelopment, waste of manpower, political instability, disunity and disloyalty to the nation. Primordial and instrumental theories were used to give a vivid insight of ethnicity in this paper. It asserts that the concept of ethnicity and tribe never appeared in the political dictionary of most developed countries and this helped to build a virile national economy for these states. Their systems of government worked since they enjoyed the full loyalty of their people at the center unlike Nigeria where allegiance is more to the component units. A re-engineering of the country is needed to make it workable. Devolution of power to the regions is necessary.</p>2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations of ECOWAS in Countering Coups in West Africa: A Case Study of Niger Republic2025-01-26T17:49:58+00:00Barau Yusuf Abdulrahmanyusufabdulrahmanbarau@gmail.comAbbas Ayodele Taiwoyusufabdulrahmanbarau@gmail.comShehu Imam<p>This paper examines the effectiveness of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in deterring and responding to coups d'état, focusing on the 2023 military takeover in Niger Republic. It analyses both the strengths and weaknesses of ECOWAS's response to the coup while proposing key areas for improvement in the organisation's efforts to promote regional democratic stability. Employing a liberalist theoretical framework and utilising secondary data sources, the study finds that ECOWAS’ sanctions on Niger Republic established a regional precedent, influencing actions by the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) and sending a message of deterrence. However, inconsistencies in applying sanctions hampered its effectiveness in restoring President Bazoum to power. Additionally, ECOWAS faced challenges in securing unanimous support for military intervention. These weaknesses significantly hampered ECOWAS' ability to achieve its goals in Niger Republic. To strengthen its response to coups, the paper recommends that ECOWAS must ensure uniform and robust enforcement of sanctions and other measures against all coup perpetrators in the region. It further recommends prioritising preventive diplomacy by proactively identifying and addressing potential conflicts before they erupt into coups, promoting economic development by supporting initiatives that tackle poverty and create opportunities, reducing the appeal of military intervention, and collaborating with member states to strengthen democratic institutions, transparency, and accountability. By implementing these multi-pronged approaches, ECOWAS can become a more effective force for lasting stability and democracy in West Africa</p>2025-01-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations Crisis in Nigeria: A Study of the 2022 All Progressives Congress Primaries in Abia Central Senatorial Zone2025-01-05T14:56:03+00:00Uchechukwu O.<p>This study focused on intra-party crisis in Nigeria with emphasis on the 2022 All Progressive Congress (APC) primaries for Abia Central Senatorial Zone. The increasing cases of intra-party crisis in Nigeria have remained a threat to the sustenance of democracy. Two hypotheses were evaluated and the study relied on the Structural Functionalist theory as a framework of analysis. The study used secondary data and adopted a survey research design, using questionnaires as an instrument of data collection. Data was collected from the sample size of 244 All Progressives Congress (APC) members randomly chosen from the population of 624 All Progressives Congress (APC) executives from the 52 wards in Abia Central Senatorial Zone. Responses were presented in tables and hypotheses were tested using a 5-point Likert scale. The findings revealed that intra-party crises have a significant effect on the performance of political parties in elections and poor implementation of the party constitution and Electoral Act are all enablers of intra-party crises in Nigeria political parties. The study concludes that political parties remain an important institution for any democracy to succeed and the continuous cases of intra-party crises have constrained political parties to contribute towards the consolidation of democracy in Nigeria. Thus, if Nigeria’s political parties must help deepen Nigeria’s democracy, internal party democracy should be promoted, issues leading to factionalization addressed and the dictates of the party constitution and Electoral Act should not be compromised.</p>2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations the Impact of Activities of the Federal Road Safety Corps in Alleviating Automobile Accidents in Minna, Niger State2025-01-19T17:50:28+00:00Cletus Uhunwaghoabuidris769@gmail.comDennis Idonije Aidelokhaiabuidris769@gmail.comTimothy Nmaduabuidris769@gmail.comUsman Musa abuidris769@gmail.comIdris<p>This study examines the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) Minna Sector Command in promoting road safety and reducing road accidents in Minna, Niger State. The research focuses on evaluating the consequences of the FRSC's initiatives, including road safety awareness campaigns, public education programs, and enforcement activities. The study reveals that the FRSC Minna Sector Command is actively engaged in conducting road safety campaigns and public education programs, which are generally perceived as effective by the respondents. The Command’s efforts in organizing awareness campaigns, public education, and regular patrols contribute positively to road safety. However, the study also identifies challenges, including inconsistent enforcement of traffic laws and inadequate resources, which impede the full effectiveness of the FRSC's initiatives. Findings indicate that while the FRSC’s road safety campaigns and enforcement activities are appreciated, there is room for improvement in the consistency and visibility of enforcement actions. Additionally, resource constraints such as insufficient funding and personnel shortages impact the Command’s ability to fully execute its road safety programs. In conclusion, the study highlights the need for targeted improvements in the FRSC’s operations. Enhancing the regularity and visibility of enforcement activities and addressing resource limitations are critical steps toward achieving more effective road safety outcomes. The study provides valuable insights for policymakers and stakeholders in strengthening road safety measures and ensuring a safer road environment in Minna.</p>2025-01-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kashere Journal of Politics and International Relations