Divorce and the Sanctity of Marriage Institution in Northern Nigeria: The Gombe Experience


  • Aliyu Mustapha
  • Omotizi Sadiq Usman
  • Ibatere Stephen Hollman
  • Kofoworade Adeniyi Samuel


Rampant Divorce, Marriage, Kalare Boys, Girl Child Marriage


This paper examines the nature and causes of rampant divorce, and the sanctity of marriage institution in northern Nigeria with particular focus on Gombe metropolis in Gombe State, Nigeria. The study employed the rational choice theory as its theoretical framework. Using the multi-stage sampling procedure, one hundred and twenty respondents were selected. Data was analyzed using the descriptive statistics, frequency counts and simple percentage. Findings of the study show that most of the Kalare boys who constitute nuisance in Gombe metropolis are products of broken homes. Findings of the study also revealed that parental influence and immaturity due to early marriage are major factors that cause rampant divorce in Gombe metropolis. To curb this menace and maintain the sanctity of marriage institution in Gombe metropolis and Northern Nigeria in general, the study suggests a strong advocacy of girl child education, marriage counselling and discourage early girl child marriage.

Author Biographies

Aliyu Mustapha

Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities& Social Sciences, Federal University of Kashere, Gombe State

Omotizi Sadiq Usman

Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities& Social Sciences, Federal University of Kashere, Gombe State

Ibatere Stephen Hollman

Department of Sociology and Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka

Kofoworade Adeniyi Samuel

Department of Sociology and Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka




How to Cite

Mustapha, A., Sadiq Usman, O., Stephen Hollman, I., & Adeniyi Samuel, K. (2022). Divorce and the Sanctity of Marriage Institution in Northern Nigeria: The Gombe Experience. Kashere Journal of Humanities, Management and Social Sciences, 4(1). Retrieved from http://journals.fukashere.edu.ng/index.php/kjhmss/article/view/62


